April 10th 2024

Auburn Union School District Regular Board Meeting

Community Disappointment in Superintendent Search

April 2nd 2024

Placer County Superintendent Gayle Garbolino-Mojica addresses a group of Auburn community leaders at City Hall

Auburn Union School districts new board not practicing "good, transparent governance".

Auburn Union School district's "dysfunctional" board and its need for experienced leadership.

Systemic accounting errors in Auburn Union School district budgeting and the district's risk of insolvency.

March 13th 2024

February 26th 2024

Auburn City Council Meeting

Auburn Mayor on City Wide Turmoil

Auburn Chamber of Commerce CEO on City Financial Impact

February 14th 2024

Auburn Union School District Regular Board Meeting

Board President Holt called out for acting unilaterally

Auburn Mayor Asks AUSD Board to Delay Transition

2nd grade Teacher reads CTA Mission Statement

Community Petition & Reaction

Trustee Sarah Brichler on Quantifying the Student Impact