Trustee Greg Holt
The recall of Trustee Holt is being sought for his numerous actions in violation of Auburn Union School District’s governance guidelines and for actions that are causing harm to students, families, staff, and the wider community. These include:
He has used his role as Board President to advance his own views rather than representing the Board as a whole.
Instead of cooperating with the community in making difficult decisions, he has refused to listen to the clearly expressed wishes of his constituents.
He supports rushing to make major changes in the District’s schools without adequate planning and consideration of the needs of all students.
By supporting the closure of Rock Creek School he made access to education even harder for Auburn’s most disadvantaged students.
He took on the role of Board President when the Board’s own Governance Handbook clearly provides for a process based on seniority on the Board.
He attempted to publicly embarrass a fellow board member rather than working together within the board to address the issue.
It is time to make changes in the Auburn Union School District Board of Trustees and start to restore the community’s trust in what was once an outstanding school system.
Trustee Jayson Wedge
The recall of Trustee Wedge is being sought for his numerous actions in violation of Auburn Union School District’s governance guidelines and for actions that are causing harm to students, families, staff, and the wider community. These include:
Rather than working collaboratively with teaching staff he has repeatedly demonstrated open hostility towards teachers in public meetings.
Instead of cooperating with the community in making difficult decisions, he has refused to listen to the clearly expressed wishes of his constituents.
He supports rushing to make major changes in the District’s schools without adequate planning and consideration of the needs of all students.
By supporting the closure of Rock Creek School he made access to education even harder for Auburn’s most disadvantaged students.
He has brought partisan politics into the Board’s proceedings by comments he has made in public sessions.
He supported ignoring the Governance Handbook’s clearly articulated procedure for selecting a Board President in order to give more power to an ally on the Board.
It is time to make changes in the Auburn Union School District Board of Trustees and start to restore the community’s trust in what was once an outstanding school system.